The Soda Pop
Released on : 21-September-2012
Madhur Bhandarkar is well known for making women centric movies especially those women who want to climb the ladder of corporate success (Corporate, 2006) or those who want to rule the glamour world as in Page 3 (2005) and Fashion (2008)! All these films are memorable movies but the mistake Madhur makes with his latest release is to toss all the familiar elements (skin show –check , one or two bold scenes – check , short tempered love lost lady – check and lots of glamour, make up, awesome costumes etc - check) into a movie like Heroine and expect it to entertain the audience.

In the end we are of course entertained, not by Bhandarkar’s stereotypical style but by Kareena Kapoor who is so rosy pink she can turn all girls red with jealousy! Kareena’s complexion is unmatched and the confidence and pomp with which she carries Mahi Arora’s role is worthy of applause! An impulsive Kareena (suffering from Bipolar disorder – a fact very few people may notice due to the way it’s announced) is highly emotional and reacts at anything and everything. She reminds us of none other than Kanganna Rannaut (Fashion) so her role can be seen as a total re-hash but wait - her PR Divya Dutta also smokes, shows her skin (in the most crass scene of the movie) and wears similar ornaments!

The story goes like this – Mahi Arora already one of the top heroines is at the zenith of success. She introduces herself with a drool worthy song “Mai heroine Hu” and attracts the audience's attention but fails to keep up the same level of enthusiasm as the film develops. The story is predictable and the actors seem bored by their respective roles. Be it a Sanjay Suri , Arjun Rrampal or Randeep Hooda - they all seem dim and re-hashed roles. Along with a gay role there is a sparkling Shahana Goswami in a short cameo where she appears with Mahi in a prostitute movie with a lesbian “moment”. This isn’t a spoiler by the way!

In the first half you will at least be engrossed by Kareena’s costumes, the LAKME iconic liner she uses and her different shades of lipstick make her look like a ravishing diva. She is absolutely charming and lives up to the No.1 heroine role which comes naturally to her. The sequence of scenes and the speed of the story is OK in the first half but post interval, where there was more scope to act, is where Kareena fails to ignite life into the movie and it slowly becomes intolerable particularly with Mahi’s constant weeping. By this time the audience are too bored to sit up and take note. Ultimately, the story is of a successful actress but one who is highly insecure and emotional. Heard it before?

There’s very few positives to pick out from this movie as it feels like a badly remade Page 3 and or Fashion. The latter was a far more entertaining watch with better music, undoubtedly better performances by Priyanka Chopra , Kangana and Mugdha Godsey. If you are a hardcore Kareena fan you can go to the movie as her Halkat Jawani will be enticing enough for you guys. She is the only good thing about the movie. “Celebrities are those who struggle to be invited first by the front doors and then fight to run out through the back stage” is a quote well portrayed by all Madhur’s films but it’s about time he showed us something different. Something that doesn’t continually remind us of the seedy side of the glamour / film world as by now we all know it’s filled with psychotic, homosexual , moral-less and short tempered blokes and damsels.